Our modern society is in many ways built upon the opportunities that the oceans have given us; food, energy, and routes for traveling. Where the oceans divide us, it’s the maritime shipping industry that enables us to connect across the continents and to take advantage of the great resources – both beneath and above the surface. This wouldn’t be at all possible if it hadn’t been for the millions of skilled seafarers working the shifts, day and night.

25th of June is the International Day of the Seafarer. A fine opportunity for us at Østensjø Rederi to give a well-deserved recognition to our trusted and valued women, and men at sea. Without them, there would be no operations, no maintenance, or repair work. With no seafarers at work, the world would without a doubt come to a halt.
Life as a seafarer most certainly is not without challenges. They’re always at the mercy of nature, having to break waves in troubled waters and all kinds of weather. All to ensure that operations are successful, that the cargo arrives on time, and that required maintenance work gets done in time.
While carrying out their indispensable duties at sea, the seafarers face the recurring sacrifices of staying away from their loved ones for long periods. Missing Christmas holidays, birthday celebrations, and important family events.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made working conditions even more difficult; uncertainties about port access, re-supply, crew changes, and traveling. Despite this, our seafarers have stayed on the job 24/7 like they always do, making the negative business implications at a minimum.
At Østensjø Rederi we’re lucky to have many of these great women and men working onboard our vessels, enabling important energy production through offshore- supply, construction, maintenance, repair services, accommodation, and more. Our people at sea provide high-quality maritime services to our clients, and thereby making Østensjø Rederi a trusted partner, through a reputation earned at sea.
We are grateful every day; for your tireless efforts, your never-ending loyalty, and for keeping the steady course.
Thank you, dear seafarers!