On 7 August the Turkish Minister of Forestry and Water, Veysel Eroĝlu, visited Edda Fonn to oversee the final piecing together of the pipelines supplying Cyprus with water.
This spring, Edda Fonn is playing an important role in a unique project supplying Cyprus with water from Turkey. Cyprus suffers from water shortage due to inadequate rainfall. This 107 km pipeline, mostly submerged under the Mediterranean Sea, will provide them with an annual water supply of 75 million m3 for the next 50 years. The water project consists of a dam and a pumping station at both ends connected with a pipeline. 80 km of the pipeline will run under the Mediterranean Sea. Edda Fonn has helped with this part of the project.
Video of the last piecing together of the pipeline: Press here
Turkish language only (Source: www.dsi.gov.tr)
The water supply project
Video explaining the project: (Source: Youtube)